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Baby Only Wants to Sleep in Socks

toddler wants to wear socks in bed

(28 Posts)

bumbly Wed 10-Mar-10 22:10:21

even though gets really! hot in them

seems trivial but today had one in a rarity tanturm before bed becuase i took them off because he was too hot

any tips/ideas?

HumphreyCobbler Wed 10-Mar-10 22:11:44

I would let him wear socks and put fewer covers on him.

bumbly Wed 10-Mar-10 22:13:57

i cant put fewer civers cuz after months of nighjmare with duvets and blankets not covering him he is very settled with a thin single quilt!

OhFuck Wed 10-Mar-10 22:15:14

DS going through this phase at the moment. Same age as yours bumbly (I remember you from when he was little, IIRC he was a handful, just like mine - although I have namechanged a bit since then).

What about getting a hot water bottle with a fleecy cover? DS loves this and I make it just warm so it cools quickly and he doesn't roast.

BikeRunSki Wed 10-Mar-10 22:16:43

That's nothing, yesterday DS only wanted to wear wellies that are a size too small. No clothes. No footwear that fits.

Why not let him go to bed with socks on, and take them off later?

JackBauer Wed 10-Mar-10 22:21:10

Let him go to bed with them ona nd then take them off when he is asleep.
DD2 is going through a phase of not sleeping unless she is in her fleece sleepsuit. I can either put her to bed in it and remove it after half an hour or take it off her and have up to 45 mins of screaming before she even thinks of going to sleep!

Don't sweat the small stuff, really, half an hour with socks is not going to cause too much of a problem.

It's a comfort/security thing........

My DD is the same and I have to say that I let her wear them. She has a quilt (we live in an 1850's cottage with v pants heating) but she sleeps better/settles better wearing them in bed than not.

Unless it causes skin issues - if it does, sorry - then why not let him wear them?

You can even make it his idea - bath, Pj's, teeth and socks, like a routine? Hopefully, we will have a proper summer this year and he'll actually FEEL hot in them, then you can do the whole, let's get cool thing with him? Sit it out, it will pass. The more you make of it, the harder it wil be

MrsBadger Wed 10-Mar-10 22:23:56

not worth fighting
let him wear them

if he is too hot he will tak ethem off but you can't judge how hot/cold he feels

there was a v good thread re importamce of not 'denying' how toddlers say they're feeling
eg 'put on your coat' 'but I'm not cold' 'yes you are'

Minshu Wed 10-Mar-10 22:24:06

My Dad used to tell me that my feet would turn to coal if I didn't take my socks off.

Don't do that. Even when I was 19 and living in student accommodation with no central heating, I would wake to find myself taking socks off in the middle of the night hmm

MaisietheMorningsideCat Wed 10-Mar-10 22:25:01

I wear socks in bed - always have, and can't sleep without them. What's the big deal? If he gets too hot (in the UK in March?!) then he'll kick off the covers.

Lionstar Wed 10-Mar-10 22:25:10

Mine went through a phase of this, and we just removed them once she was asleep. Funnily enough we can't keep socks ON her during the day!! Strange things toddlers grin

bellavita Wed 10-Mar-10 22:25:22

It is really not worth fighting over. Let him wear them.

JackBauer Wed 10-Mar-10 22:29:12

MrsBadger, I missed that thread but I am a firm believer in this. We were at the park the other day with all the other kids wrapped up in coats and hats and scarves and DD1 just took all hers off and refused to wear them. We got home and a short while later she started comlpaining of being hot and I thought to check her temp. It had shot up to over 39, she knew she was too warm, I could have made it worse!

uggmum Wed 10-Mar-10 22:33:51

To be honest my son wears his socks in bed every night and it has never occurred to me to remove them.

Mumcentreplus Wed 10-Mar-10 22:38:47

bradsmissus Wed 10-Mar-10 22:41:38

I'm with uggmum. DS is nearly 5 and he wears socks to bed everynight, all year.

It has never occurred to me to take them off either.

Sometimes he has taken them off in the night but most mornings they are still on.

He always puts a clean pair on and is chuffed to bits if he can find a pair the same colour as his jammies!!!!!

llareggub Wed 10-Mar-10 22:42:26

organichairbrush Wed 10-Mar-10 22:43:33

If anyone in my house wears socks to bed the cat will remove them with teeth and claws... shall I send him over?

skinsl Wed 10-Mar-10 22:44:22

mine has just started to ask for them, how funny! i just put them on him, he kicks the covers off all the time anyway. Sometimes I wear socks in bed!

humptynumpty Wed 10-Mar-10 22:52:21

my ds, age 3, wears socks and gets out of bed after the light is out to get more socks to wear on his hands hmm
doesn't really bother me tbh!!!

Lotkinsgonecurly Wed 10-Mar-10 23:02:33

dd sometimes wears socks on her hands to bed and a ballet dress. Am just pleased if she sleeps as is the lightest sleeper in the world.

bumbly Thu 11-Mar-10 14:40:29

agree completely wiht all but he wont take them off when hot andkept calling us several times before asking why he was hot

that is why put post up

i do pick my battles but when he was boiling hot and put him in vets and then he kept calling and whne put covers aweya and he kept calling then i did think then

it was time for socks off

bumbly Thu 11-Mar-10 14:41:05

plus currently ill so going 5 times up to his room not an option! and hubby working 5 - 11 pm so again he was pretty tired

dinkystinky Thu 11-Mar-10 14:42:23

Let him wear them! If he gets too hot he'll probably stick his feet out from under teh covers anyway... My 3yo DS1 often asks for socks for bedtime...

StepSideways Thu 11-Mar-10 14:43:41

Maybe you can find some really thin socks so it won't make much difference...

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Baby Only Wants to Sleep in Socks
