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Development of Real-time Systems Coursera Solutions

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Embedded and Real Time Systems

Code: EEC0059 Acronym: SETR

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Electronics and Digital Systems
OFICIAL Automation, Control & Manufacturing Syst.

Instance: 2009/2010 - 1S

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEEC 25 Syllabus since 2007/2008 5 - 6 63 160

Teaching language



This course aims to endow students with knowledge and abilities to develop embedded and real time systems, using, every time necessary, real time operating systems.


- Introduction and basic concepts
- Embedded systems hardware (CPUs and peripheral buses)
- Embedded systems software
- Compilation, Linkage and Debugging
- Basic notions of operating systems (memory management, process management and communication between processes)
- Real time planning (periodic and aperiodic tasks using cyclic methods, static and dynamic properties)
- POSIX programming

Mandatory literature

Liu, Jane W. S.; Real-time systems. ISBN: 0-13-099651-3
Buttazzo, Giorgio C.; Hard Real-Time Computing Systems. ISBN: 0-7923-9994-3
Qing Li; Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems, CMP, 2003. ISBN: 978-1578201242

Complementary Bibliography

Stankovic, J.A., Spuri, M., Ramamritham, K., Buttazzo, G.C.; Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems - EDF and Related Algorithms, Springer , 1998. ISBN: 978-0-7923-8269-0
Burns, Alan; Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages. ISBN: 0-201-40365-X
Zurawski, Richard.; Embedded systems handbook. ISBN: 0849328241 (alk. paper)
Kopetz, Hermann; Real-time systems. ISBN: 0-7923-9894-7
Abbott, Doug.; Linux for embedded and real-time applications. ISBN: 0750675462 (pbk.)

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes: presentation of themes and discussion of examples
Practical classes: They act as a complement to theoretical classes. Students can get familiar with technological solutions. Students will have to do group assignments, which will be supervised by the professors.
Practical assignment: Students will have to do a project.
Seminars: Students will have to prepare and present a seminar to the colleagues on a specific theme. This will take place at a theoretical class


Compilador de C da GNU
Sistema Operativo QNX
Sistema Operativo Linux


Technological sciences > Technology > Computer technology > Software technology
Technological sciences > Engineering > Computer engineering

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participa��o presencial 50,00
Seminar (preparation and presentation) Exame 6,00
Group project Defesa p�blica de disserta��o, de relat�rio de projeto ou est�gio, ou de tese 70,00
Written exame Exame 3,00
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Study Estudo aut�nomo 40
Total: 40,00

Eligibility for exams

- According to FEUP rules
- Students have to complete the practical component of the course

Calculation formula of final grade

P- Practical component
T- Theoretical component
FM- Final Mark

FM = 0,5*P + 0,5 T

P = 0,5*P_D + 0,3*P_R + 0,2*P_P
T = 0,7*T_T + 0,2*T_P + 0,1*T_PA

P_D: Discussion of the practical assignment
P_R: Report
P_P: Presentation of the practical assignment (with slides)

T_T: Test
T_P: Presentation (Seminar)
T_PA: Participation in the seminars

Examinations or Special Assignments

Students, who did not attend to the practical component of the course, will have to do a practical exam.

Classification improvement

Students can only improve the mark of their written exams.

Development of Real-time Systems Coursera Solutions
